A Special Talk by Venerable Thamthog Rinpoche

This speech was recorded on July 17, 2015.

About Ven. Thamthog Rinpoche

Ven. Thamthog Rinpoche was born in 1951 in Lithang, eastern Tibet. When he was six he was recognized and reconfirmed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the tutor of His Holiness, Kyabje Trijyan Rinpoche, as the reincarnation of the XII° Thamthog, fondatore of the three biggest monasteries in Lithang. As a child he devoted himself to study at the monastery of Sera Jé in Tibet and, in exile, after 1959 he continued his studies at the monastic university of Sera Jé in the south of India. In 1982 he obtained the highest degree in Buddhist studies – Geshe Lharampa.

Learn More: https://www.ghepelling.com/en/thamthog-rinpoche/